Wednesday, May 10, 2006


My life is hectic at the moment, as usual. I actually like it that way. I started learning for an exam yesterday and I have it tomorrow. Long story short, I am in slight trouble, as I expected the exam to be easier than I’m now figuring out it actually is. Still, I had the time to have lunch with a friend of mine. I met her accidentally just outside the library in the university hallway and since we both hadn’t eaten yet, we decided to go out for lunch together. We were just discussing life, weather and other people, the usual small talk during lunch. Among other things, she told me she’d find a job in state administration very appealing. Why on earth would anyone actually want to work for the state? Her answer was quite simple; it’s a good way for a woman to have kids during the years after college. Since she wants to have kids at this stage of life this is pretty much the only option left to her, as a career in private sector makes it that much harder. She has a serious boyfriend and if it was just one “case” I wouldn’t be worried, really. However, I had a similar discussion recently with two other female friends of mine.
My plans for life are a bit different, though. Hectic exams, hectic career, maybe some hectic post graduate studies and eventually, when I feel I want to get serious, maybe a family. I don’t see myself deciding for it before I’m thirty, though. Still, I’m a bit worried. Not just about the sickening social situation that forces women to take inferior jobs due to a very natural occurrence of pregnancy. Another, more selfish thought dawned on me. What if the good ones are already married, when I decide I might want to try something very serious? I’ll end up alone then, I guess. It’s another thing to add on the price tag for my lifestyle. Freedom sure doesn’t come cheap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, each one of us makes priorities that work for them. Unfortunately men are once again better of when making the choices, than women.

Oh, and on not having anyone to marry, here's an idea, marry someone younger, that's what most men who get married later in life do.

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will just quote yourself, from a few years ago: "Otroci so balast".

I know I told you that your previous blog template sucked, but hey, you went from bad to worse. ;-)

As for children, my plan to marry an Egyptian and have 7 kids with her before turning 30 still stands.

5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the last paragraph again, when you are in less hectic ( after hours of hard studying) situation, you'll find it very amusing:

"What if the good ones are already married, when I decide I might want to try something very serious?"
As Spela said, the younger ones are always the good ones, especially if you want kids! ( very serious as you put it) Furthermore, did you forget the Hungarian formula: Half of my years + 7 ?

"I’ll end up alone then, I guess." - are you using up your freedom already?

5:18 PM  
Blogger Sergej said...

I haven't completely freaked out yet, no worries.
About the template. Yah I played with it a bit and I'm not sure I like it either. I'll change it again, and in the end probably end up with the one I started with.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got a nice point there, in "what if the nice ones are taken..."

Having lived most my 'adolecent/adult' life just they way I bloody well pleased with the occasional fling here and there, I now look around me at 33.

Yes, most of the good ones indeed are taken. Which is kinda annoying.

Annoying if it weren't for the fact that I still live my life the wat I bloody well want ;)

Don't fret about it, you've not neared the point where you do -need- to fret about it. Remember:

1. guys have no biological clock
2. women dig older guys :P (kidding here)

4:56 PM  

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